"MOTCO" make Tachogenerators have the following constructional features.

1) Housing duly heat treated and precision machined.
2) Shaft is made of alloy steel and is suitably heat treated, machined and precision ground to achieve optimum strength, rigidity and accuracy.
3) Prelubricated and sealed precision ball bearings for long maintainence free life.
4) Silver graphite brushes which minimize voltage drop at varying loads and speeds.
5) Brush holders ensure smooth movement of Brushes.
6) Temperature Compensation can be provided to ensure extreme accuracy even with wide fluctuation in Ambient Temperature.
7) Commutator built with electrolytic grade workhardened copper segments moulded and machined to close tolerances to achieve sparkless commutation and minimum wear. Use of mica insulation between segments ensures maximum dielectric strength and stability.
8) Armature built with special silicon steel stampings and wound with polyester grade class "B" enamelled Copper wire and vacuum impregnated for high electrical and mechanical strength. Leads are hot staked to commutator segments for excellent electrical contact and mechanical bonding.
9) The Armature is dynamically balanced to ensure vibration free rotation, sparkless commutation and low ripple content.

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